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Marnée's Studio Opened With a Bang!!

art contest Art exhibtion art gallery art studio art studio art gallery artists grand opening marnee studio mobile alabama Store news

Marnée's Studio Opened With a Bang!!

GRAND OPENING SUMMARY The grand opening party on 8.12.17 was a huge success thanks to loads of people (especially my husband who cooked the food and made a bar and my dear friend Shilpa Burkett) who helped, purchased art, and came to support us in this new venture .   Studio artist, Ian Glass, created an amazing abstract painting live that can be seen and purchased here or at Marnée's Studio.  Lisa Hancock also rocked live watercolor portraits at the opening!  Vanessa Cochran was the proud winner of the social media contest and won a free paint party ticket!  Lucy Gafford, from...

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Starting Marnée’s Studio: Hard work, sacrifice, and learning curves

art contest Art exhibtion art gallery art studio art studio art gallery artists blog grand opening marnee studio mobile alabama Store news

Starting Marnée’s Studio:  Hard work, sacrifice, and learning curves

Marnée’s Studio will focus on two main “programs” which exhibitions, fundraisers, events, and my personal work will revolve around: 1. Nature and environmental topics and 2. Humanitarianism.

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